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Secrets of Making Extra N100,000 Per Month on Zumahia Even If You're Promoting Your Own Products And Services

Let's get straight to the point...

The secrets of earning an extra N100K or more, even when you're promoting your own product or services on Zumahia is to add /a/your-username/ at the back of your funnel links when promoting your products or services via a sales-funnel.

And i'm going to tell you why in a minute. But for now, let me show you an example. 

So let's say for example, your username is Samson, and you have a funnel whose url is https://zumahia.com/funnel/product-1.

This funnel is used to market a product of yours. 

To make extra money from Zumahia besides the amount people pay for your product, all you need to do is add your username which is samson to the back of your funnel url. So when promoting your funnel and products, the url will look like this: https://zumahia.com/funnel/product-1/a/samson/


Because Zumahia Marketplace uses a site-wide affiliate system.

So when people click that link, they will go to your funnel pages as usual. But something else will happen at the background. 

When those people visit your funnel, the system will tag them to you, and whenever they buy a product or service from another vendor on Zumahia, you'll get paid a commission for it, even though YOU DID NOT ACTIVELY PROMOTE THE OTHER VENDOR'S PRODUCT OR SERVICES.

Can you see how powerful this is?

So just by promoting your own products directly without promoting another person's products, you will still make money from other vendor's products whenever any of your leads, clients or students buys any other product or service on this site. 

The minimum amount you can earn is N1,000. 

But guess what?

There are products that pay 5,000 or more commissions for each sale. And the good news is...You don't even need to promote them at all.

Just promote YOUR OWN product and services on Zumahia and add your username to the back of your urls, and you'd receive commission whenever your traffic buys any other product or service on the site. 

Isn't that wonderful?