
On October 1st, We'll Be Launching A New Platform Where We'll Spend Millions On Advert Every Month to Drive Traffic to Other People's Products And Services...

Would You Like to Have Your Product And Services Listed on Our Platform So That People Visiting Can See Them And Buy From You?

This way, you can leverage our Advertising Budget And all the tools on this site to make Tons of sales and grow your business without having to come up with the budget or infrastructure that's needed to grow your business to the next level

And Guess What? We Won't Even Take Any Share From Your Earnings!

No More Obstacles To Stop You From Growing Your Business to The level You Want

If you want to grow your business, Fast...

Without needing millions in advertising budget...
Without struggling to come up with your own sales funnels 
Without bothering yourself with all the pages, technology and tools you need to make your business look good and professional...
Without struggling to onboard your students in a way where they won't pirate and share your courses with others...

Then what I'm about to share with you below will be one of the most exciting messages you've ever come across today!

Because for the very first time, you're going to have the opportunity to list your product and services on our site, and get access to everything you'll need to successfully market and sell your products and services online WITHOUT having to incur any huge or recurring expense in the process. 

In fact, you're going to have your own full-fledged business running online and making money for you without the huge costs involved.

By listing your product and services on our new platform, you're finally going to...

Say Good bye to those annoying monthly web hosting fees...
Avoid paying those hefty website maintenance and development fees
Say goodbye to those expensive WordPress themes and sales funnel templates
Set yourself free from the recurring expenses of using Elementor and other Page builders
Avoid splitting your income with anyone, and...
Get the opportunity to boost your sales by collaborating with other product vendors just like yourself

Why Selling Things Online Is Getting Harder And More Expensive...And How to Overcome It

See, if you've tried to sell anything online, you'd have realized by now that selling online IS HARD!

First, you need to register a domain name and then spend more money every month to secure a web hosting account. 

After that, you have to setup your website, and create the necessary pages you need. And when that is done, you then start the process of making those pages look cool, professional and ensure they convert very well. 

All of this would require some real cash before you're even ready to get your first customer or client. 

After building out your sales and landing pages, you then need to spend additional money to integrate those pages with other tools and technology like an email followup system that you'll need to make your business run as efficiently as possible.  

It is when you've done all this that you can then start thinking of raising money to start running ads.

But whether you make sales or not... 

The web hosting company will continue to bill you every month (or year)...
Your  email marketing company will continue to bill you every month...
Your page building software will continue to bill you every month... 
Your premium plugins will continue to bill you monthly...

And all the costs you incurred to get your site and business up and running will not cease!

But What If There's A Better Way?

What if there's a better way to get your business up and running without incurring those annoying monthly fees?

What if this way allows you have access to all your business needs to succeed online without the stress and bother that comes with it?

What if I told you this new way gives you access to tools like Lead Generation, Funnel building, Email marketing, Web hosting, Learning Management System, Course Security and Membership System, and many others more!

And what if you can access all this things For life, without incurring huge expenses in the process...while making it possible for you to get buyers for your product and services on a daily basis?


You don't have to be. That's why we're introducing...


Our New Marketplace

Our New Marketplace is NOT JUST a place to list your product or service, but a place to COMPLETELY setup your business online. 

Unlike other marketplaces that just allows you to list your product and services and call it a day, we offer something different, something that will allow you quickly start collecting leads and selling to those leads via funnels and email follow ups without the huge costs usually involved. 

But not only that, we also go the extra mile by actively promoting the products and services on our platform via adverts, email followups, and product recommendation.

This is something other marketplaces CANNOT boast of...and we are here, offering them to you so you can have a full-fledged business up and running WITHOUT any huge cost.

Let's take Udemy for example...

Udemy is a marketplace that allows you to list your courses on their platform, and grant access to those who bought.

But they do not:

Have any option for you to generate leads...
They have no option for you to market to your leads with a Webinar, Video Sales Letter, or any other funnel of your choice...
They have no way for you to follow up via email with those who showed interest in your product or service without buying
They don't allow you the freedom to collect payment for your product. They do that for you and then take a part of your earnings. Whoop!
You can't offer discounts or coupon to potential buyers whenever you want to.

All of these are what Our New Marketplace solves for you and gives you a fully complete platform to launch and grow your business. 

Create Over 1,000 Funnels Across 14 Categories to Get Leads, Educate Them And Market Your PhysicalDigital or Affiliate Products

Having a product or service to sell is just the beginning.

The ability to generate Leads for those products or services, educate them and then pitch your product or service to them is the hallmark of success online. 

At Our New Marketplace, we make this possible for you.

We don't just give you a platform to list your product or services. We go the extra mile by making it possible to create different types of marketing funnel that can be used to educate your audience and make them see reasons why getting your product or service is the best for them.

By taking advantage of this, you can create unlimited funnel for the purpose of educating your audience. This will give you the ability to put out your messages from different angle to know the one that resonates with your audience most. 

Currently, we have 14 different Funnel categories to choose from. We have:

Webinar Funnels: 
Use this to organize Video Sales Letters (VSL) or replay webinars where you educate people about your product or service and then pitch the product at the end. 
Ecommerce Funnel: 
Use this to create beautiful ecommerce pages to sell your physical products in BULK.
Upsell and Downsell Funnel: 
Use this to create different variation and pricing of your physical or digital products and offer them to your leads so they buy as many packages as they like.
Sales Funnel:
Use this to create beautiful long form or short form sales letter to promote your product or services.
Product Launch Funnels:
Use this to build hype, anticipation and Trust about your product or services. This offers you the opportunity to create 4 or more marketing videos about your product or services before giving your audience the chance to order for it.
Lead Generation Funnel:
This is already activated by default. By using Our New Marketplace, you'll have access to the leads that showed interest in your product or service
And Lots More!

In addition to this, there are...

Over 400 Beautiful Templates to Choose From When Creating Your Funnels 

So You Can Create Professional Looking Pages Like This One You're Reading... or Create Something Far More Beautiful.

Yes, this page and website was built with the exact same funnel tools you're going to get access to by being one of our Instructors, Vendors or affiliate marketer.

All of these funnels can be used to either market and sell physical, digital products or affiliate offers, depending on your preference. 

At Our New Marketplace, you're also free to create as many Lead magnets such as free trainings, free videos, free webinars, free ebooks...all from different angles that you need to sell a particular product or service.

There's practically no limit!

No Cutting of Your Earnings.
You're In Charge of Your Own Payments

See, let's face it...

It doesn't feel too nice that after putting the effort to create a digital product or source for a physical one to sell, the platforms you use will end up taking a chunk of your income, right?

Well, we know how painful that can be. 

That's why when you list your product or service for sell at Our New Marketplace, we do not take any cut from your earnings, whatsoever!

In fact, you're completely in charge of your income. 

With us, you're allowed to list your products, create as many sales funnel as you want to sell those products, and then connect those sales funnel to your own payment system or use our own checkout system.

Yes, you can link your own payment systems with the pages you create in Our New marketplace and use them to collect payments for your goods and services. 

So whether you use our checkout system or use your own, no one will tamper with your income, and not to even talk of taking a cut from it. 

That's a big win for you, isn't it?

But guess what?

That's not all!

We Host Your Courses For Free...And Get Students to Enroll For Them Without Being Able to Share or Pirate It

Imagine pouring your heart and soul into creating a course, masterclass or training and then spend time and effort to market it to the world...

Only to have someone who purchased it to get access to it with the intention of pirating it, or sharing it with friends or even reselling it without your consent.

Imagine the lost income and lost revenue you'd have to bear as a result of that?

At Our New Marketplace, not only do we host and deliver your courses with our Robust Learning Management System, but we've also gone the extra mile to ensure you don't incur losses by greatly limiting the possibility of someone sharing, pirating or reselling your courses or content.

Here are some of the steps we have in place:

1. Limited Login: Two people cannot login to this site on different devices with the same username and password. A username and password can only be used by one person at any given time.

This will help deter those who want to share your courses by giving others access to their username and password.

2. Download Prevention: Put simply, courses hosted on the site cannot be downloaded, period!

This will help to deter those with ulterior motive who want to get access to your course so they could download it and then resell it. 

3. Right Click Prevention: The ability for anyone to right-click on any page on the site has been disabled, especially on course related pages.

You'll also get the...

Ability to Track, Segment, Tag Leads... And Follow Up With Them Via Email

If someone goes through your lead magnet or sales funnel without buying, you can tag them right away on this site!

And if someone buys, you can also tag or untag them as well.

This will give you the ability to segment or group the buyers from the non-buyers based on their different tags and send each group different set of emails. 

Emails can be sent LIVE in real time via segment broadcasts...or you can set it up for different emails to be sent automatically by the system through automation and email campaigns.

This will give you the opportunity to follow up with contacts at your own convenience... with automation campaign allowing you to automatically schedule and send several email followups at specific time intervals without your daily involvement.

Link Directly To Your Funnel or Lead Magnet

Inasmuch as we'll spend millions to advertise the product and services on this marketplace, as a vendor or instructor, you're absolutely free to also advertise your lead magnet and funnels.

Every lead magnet created on this site has it's own link, same with every funnel.

So you can post these links on your social media handles or run advert with them on any platform of your choice. 

There are no limitations or extra fees involved like other marketplaces do.

With our new marketplace, you're practically at the drivers seat. You're completely in charge of your business.

Active Customer Service On Demand...For You And Your Students

At our new Marketplace, we give you the platform you need to setup your business and sell online. 

But that's not all...

We also take care of both you and your students.

Our customer support is always on standby, ready to swing into action to help solve any issue or challenge you or your students may encounter along the line, at no extra cost.

So while you may be out there promoting your product or services, you don't have to bother yourself about the technical aspect of granting your students continual access to your courses and masterclass. 

Of course, they can always reach out to you regarding the subject you're teaching, but from our end, we will swing into action to ensure they don't face any difficulty in accessing what they paid for. 

Make More Sales By Cross Promoting Your Products With That of Others 

At Our New Marketplace, we are open to the idea of you making more sales...and money.

And one way we've figured how to accomplish this is by cross promoting your products in 3 different ways.

1. If your product is a physical or digital item, you are allowed to cross promote it at the Thank-You page of your funnel. 

This is important as the buyer may still be in a buying mood and would like to scoop more products for the right price.

2. At the general dashboard: All digital products will be displayed at the general dashboard where students go to access the courses they've bought. 

So even if someone buys a product from another instructor, you'll still get yours displayed at the dashboard, giving the student another chance to get yours at the right price.

3. At the Course Learning Page: While students are logged in and learning from you, our site templates also gives you the opportunity to feature more of your courses right on that page, so students can enroll for them whenever they're ready.

Works For Digital Content Creators, Physical Product Vendors And Affiliate Marketers

Although, our site was initially geared for digital content creators who make courses, seminars, coaching programs, online training and masterclasses... 

...however in recent times, we've seen more physical product vendors and affiliate marketers using our site and funnel pages to also market their products and offers. 

Basically, they use the same system meant for digital content creators to feature images of their physical products and use our funnel templates to not only market those products, but they now have the ability to host webinars and create marketing videos that will help them explain deeper, the advantages of their physical products and how it works.

Everything from electronic gadgets to electrical devices to Palm oil, and down to skin care can now be sold on Our New Marketplace, using the very same instruments that was meant for digital product creators.

Likewise, affiliate marketers can now get their affiliate offers from Amazon, Clickbank, Stakecut, JVZoo and others, listed on our new marketplace, while they use our page builder to create landing pages, sales pages and bonus pages for the offers they're promoting.

So whatever you have to sell or promote, provided it is legal, you can now use Our New Marketplace to sell and promote them easily. 

Coming Soon: Ability to Make More Money With Site Wide Affiliate Program

Imagine marketing your product or service for people to buy.

With our soon to be released affiliate program, you'll also stand a chance to make more money whenever the people you market your product or services to buys any other product from this site.

Think about it for once!

You spend time or money to market your product and services. But whether they end up buying from you or not, you still stand a chance to make money if they buy any affiliate enabled product from the site. 

Provided the vendor of those products or services enabled them for affiliate sharing, you'll get a commission whenever someone whom you referred to this site to buy your product also end up buying any of those affiliate enabled products.

And the good news don't have to sign up as an affiliate seperately. 

By being an instructor or vendor on Our New Marketplace, your affiliate link will be activated by default so you can use them to start promoting your product or services...and also stand a chance to receive commission from others when your visitors buys any other affiliate product on the site. 

Coming Soon: Ability to Write And Publish Blog Posts on our new marketplace For Organic Traffic!

As the cost of marketing continues to skyrocket, we're working on ways for our vendors and instructors to take advantage of our rising domain authority to tap into the goldmine of SEO and organic marketing...without doing any of the hard work involved. 

As millions of people continue to search Google and other search engines for product or services you might offer, the difficulty of benefiting from these searches is that your site may not have the financial capacity to build the plenty of backlinks that is required for your site's domain rating to increase and make you an authority in your field. 

With the ability to publish blog posts on our new marketplace, all of those will soon become a thing of the past!

Because you'll be able to leverage the rising authority of our domain name to publish posts and get organic visitors to your offers, while our team takes care of the SEO part by acquiring backlinks and doing what is necessary to ensure your posts ranks at the top of Google to attract as many organic traffic as possible to your offers. 

And all of these will be at no extra charge to you. 

Getting Started: 
How to Get Your Products, Services And Offers Listed On Our New Marketplace

Getting your digital products, physical products, affiliate offers and services listed on Our New Marketplace so you can start using the marketing tools we provide, as well as benefit from the adverts and promotion we run to this site is actually quite simple.

All you need to do is to sign up for it below.

After signing up, your products and services can get listed on the site in as little as 24 hours!

To sign up, choose your preferred method below.

That's all.

One-time Payment For Life


Here's What You're Getting...

Get your digital Product Listed on our new marketplace for life 
Get your Physical Product Listed on our new marketplace for life
Get your services like copywriting, coaching, etc, listed for life
Benefit from our Monthly advertising budget
Get access to all funnel building tools
Create and List More than one product or service
Host your courses on Our New Marketplace for life at no extra charge
Securely Onboard your students to enroll in your courses
Create Professional Looking pages for your products or services
Get access to our email marketing tool to followup on your leads 

This is a Life Saver!

I spend roughly 50K a month to keep my business online. My path would have been a lot easier, cheaper and faster with more results generated if a site like what Zumahia  is building existed back when I started. Now I'm glad to make the switch so I can spend that 50K on marketing and getting more clients

choose your image

Chinedu Osakwe

Business Coach and Copywriter

Monthly Payment


Here's What You're Getting...

Get your digital Product Listed on our new marketplace Every Month
Get your Physical Product Listed on our new marketplace every Month
Get your services like copywriting, coaching, etc, listed for life
Benefit from our Monthly advertising budget
Get access to all funnel building tools
Create and List More than one product or service
Host your courses with us Every month at no extra charge
Securely Onboard your students to enroll in your courses
Create Professional Looking pages for your products or services
Get access to our email marketing tool to followup on your leads 

This is a Life Saver!

I spend roughly 50K a month to keep my business online. My path would have been a lot easier, cheaper and faster with more results generated if a site like what Zumahia is building existed back when I started. Now I'm glad to make the switch so I can spend that 50K on marketing and getting more clients. 

choose your image

Chinedu Osakwe

Business Coach and Copywriter

Copyright © 2019-2023. All Rights Reserved


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