
Want to Make More Money from Your Facebook Account? 

If So, In The Next Few Minutes, You're Going to Discover...

How We Help Bloggers Make Anywhere From $200 to $7,000 Monthly Without Stress By Managing Their Blogs For Them And Profitably Drive Massive Traffic to Their Site Every Single Month!

If You're Tired of seeing the success stories of other bloggers without being proud enough to share your Own Results...

All of that is about to come to an end as we will help to professionally manage your blog and send massive traffic to your site via our arbitrage management system so you too can join others and start earning from blogging in 72 hours or less. 

Dear Blogger, It's Frustrating, Isn't it?

You woke up in the morning and logged in to Facebook or any of your favorite social media platform...

And the first thing you saw was one of your favorite top bloggers sharing a screenshot of his blogging success.  

You check the screenshot and realized your favorite blogger earned $568 again, yesterday.

It is not the first time you're seeing this. It is not the second either. 

You run the figures and realize your favorite blogger has earned about $3,500 in one week...which is about $14,000 in a month.

But for you, such is not the case. 

You log into your adsense account, only to see a disappointing $8.17 sitting in there for the past three months like a pregnant duck. You check your CPC for the past 7 days, and realizing it has been hovering around $0.03 to $0.07 daily, refusing to increase despite "all you've done" so far. 

Frustrated, you lift up your eyes to the sky to ask "God When?".

When will it be your turn to succeed in blogging?

When will you start having CPC of $0.50 and above?

When will you start making at least, $5,000 every month from blogging just like the top bloggers out there do?

When will you start making enough money from blogging so you can quit that annoying job of yours?

Every month, one of your favorite blogger earns around $10K per month consistently. Another one earns around $15,000 monthly.

Yet they seem to do this effortlessly...without writing much content, or sit at their computers all day.

They live comfortably from the money they earn from blogging every month. They don't need to get stuck to a job for their monthly paycheck.

With blogging, they earn enough money to live in one of the choicest place in town. With blogging, they earn enough to drive some of the luxurious cars around. 

With the money they make from blogging, they can afford to wear some of the best designer brands. They're able to afford rare dishes in some of the best restaurants in town. 

They're able to travel to exotic places within and outside the country without being restricted by the cost. 

They're able to take adequate care of themselves and their loved ones..while having spare change to invest in other ventures for future income.

And so you're wondering when it will be your turn.

Does this sound like you?

If yes...

Then Don't Worry, There's Hope For You!

If you've been blogging for weeks, months or even years without anything substantial to show for it, don't worry, we've launched a solution that will ensure you too start earning from blogging profitably in just a matter of days.


Don't Just Believe Me. See What One of Our Clients Has to Say..

Hello, My Name is Vincent Chukwuma

For many years now, I've actively been involved in the field of blogging. 

I've seen everything about blogging from content creation to ranking on Google to profitable Adsense Arbitrage, and down to affiliate blogging.

In these years, I've been fortunate to earn several thousands of dollars in a single month...and equally, I've also been fortunate to go through my own share of blogging problems.

From ads limit to being penalized by Google search updates to Facebook shutting down my ad account and down to having part of my earning withheld for reasons best known to the platforms I work with, I think it is safe to say I've seen it all when it comes to blogging. 

In these trying times, I've also managed to get myself out of these valley moments. 

And if there's anything these challenges did for me, it was to add sufficiently to my wealth of experience when it comes to blogging...a wealth of experience that you can now plug into, and save yourself many of the pains, frustration and headaches that comes with blogging.

So believe me when I tell you that I have been there. I have suffered the same set of problems and challenges you're suffering in your blogging journey. 

And if you give me the chance, I'm also going to take you by the hands and help you eliminate some of the blogging challenges you're facing right now, and catapult yourself into the realm of serious bloggers who make $7,000 and above every month from blogging. 

Why Many Bloggers Get Frustrated...And How You Too Can Join Others To Escape The Numerous Frustration That Comes With Blogging.

If you've been blogging for any length of time, one thing you'd have realized by now is that blogging is damn hard!

Very hard!

First, you have to do lots of keyword research, then write series of blog posts to publish on your site.

And that's even before you apply for adsense.

And when you finally apply, there's no guarantee of you getting approved the first time.

In some cases, you'll have to apply over and over again and spend weeks or months before getting approved.

But after getting approved, what next?

Traffic becomes a problem! You'll start looking for traffic so your blog can finally start making money.

You know that without traffic, your blog won't earn a dime. And if you're like most bloggers out there, you start getting confused on whether to get traffic from SEO or through Paid traffic.

You see, in the world of blogging, there are two ways many bloggers try to get traffic...

1. Through organic methods, mainly SEO, and...

2. Through paid traffic (known as arbitrage).

With SEO, you have to write lots of posts and after writing them, you'd discover the traffic is still not coming.

So have to go through another hurdle of building backlinks so that your posts can rank high in Google.

In reality, could take several years before you even get your first 1,000 visitors to your site.

Many of which will not click an ad on your site or result in serious earnings for you.

In fact, I've seen people who have spent 5 years trying to get organic traffic without earning up to $20 in those 5 years.

And what's even more heartbreaking is that after going through all these stress and hardwork, Google will release an algorithm update that will de-rank your site, eliminate your organic traffic and frustrate your earnings.

The second way to get visitors to your site is through paid traffic.

This is where you pay Facebook to get traffic with the hopes of turning that traffic into clicks and earnings.

However, with the high cost of traffic these days and the low CPC of blogs, many bloggers fail to make profit.

In fact, majority of bloggers lose their money when they try to run arbitrage and paid traffic on their own.

This leads to frustration and many bloggers are forced to abandon paid traffic and their blog suffers.

So What's The Way Forward?

How Are Smart Bloggers Making Huge Amounts of Money FAST Without Going Through Frustrations And Without The Risks of Losing Their Money?

The answer is not in reading more posts about blogging...

The answer is not in joining more blogging groups on Facebook...

The answer is also NOT in watching more YouTube videos about blogging...

The answer is not even in getting more ebooks about blogging...

And the answer is NOT even enrolling for more courses and training about blogging.

See, don't get me wrong....all of these things are good and fine.

But they are slow, time consuming, stressful, filled with numerous frustrations, and even become more expensive as time goes on. I'm sure you've done some of the things listed above without anything to show for it in return!

When it comes to earning thousands of dollars FAST from blogging every month WITHOUT STRESS AND FRUSTRATION, smart bloggers achieve this by giving their blog over to a Professional to manage for them.

Most professionals have already gathered all the experience.

They made so many mistakes over the years. And they outgrown those mistakes and end up making lots of money over the years.

And by giving them your blog to manage...

You're DIRECTLY tapping into their years of wisdom...
You're DIRECTLY tapping into their years of knowledge...
You're DIRECTLY tapping into their years of experience, and...
You're DIRECTLY tapping into their years of profitability that will make your blog start earning thousands of dollars WITHOUT you going through the stress of achieving those results.

It is for this reason of helping a few number of people to enjoy the sweetness of blogging that I've decided to launch my Blog Adsense Arbitrage Management Service.

And if you allow me, I'm also going to help manage your blog and drive arbitrage traffic to your site so you too can start making money from blogging like this:

What Is The Blog Adsense Arbitrage Management Service All About?

It is a service in which we take over the arbitrage process of your blog and help you drive targeted traffic to your blog, Profitability.

Those who have signed up for this service have seen their blog going from Zero to now earning between double (2X) to 10 times (10X) the amount to spend on paid traffic.

Think about it like this: you spend 5K on traffic, and you make back at least, 10K, giving you a profit of an extra 5K.

Now if you can make back 5K in profit anytime you run an ad for 5K, then there's no limit to how fast you can scale your earnings to $1,000 per day and beyond.

When we take over your blog management, we will help drive massive traffic to your blog, and we will aim to do that cheaply so that you will stand a chance make money—and profit—when some of those visitors end up clicking any ad displayed on your blog.

My blog was struggling when I approached Vincent. He took a deep analysis of my blog, told me what was wrong with it and then recommended solutions that I implemented which brought my blog back to live. His knowledge of blogging is top notch, and I'm grateful to have crossed his path. 

choose your image

Daniel Osakwe

How The Blog Adsense Arbitrage Management Service Works.

The Blog Adsense arbitrage management service works in 5 steps.

Step 1: You sign up for the service (don't worry, the sign up cost will be revealed below).

Step 2: Provide the funds we will use to run ads for you...

Step 3: You tell us the blog you want us to manage and send traffic to.

Step 4: We go through your blog and site data, make one or two settings and determine the best post to drive traffic to.

Step 5: We run ads for you so you start making money...while you provide screenshots of your Adsense earnings for monitoring and course correction where necessary.

Cool, right?

But I know, you might be asking....

Why Paid Traffic instead of seo?

The reason is because we are committed to ensuring you start getting results in 72 hours, or less...provided your adsense account is in good standing with Google.

With SEO, this will be difficult to achieve because of the following reasons....

1. We will probably have to build backlinks to your site to rank it at the top of Google so you can start getting traffic.

As you already know, this is a time-consuming activity. If you're in a highly competitive niche, you'll probably need 100 or more backlinks to stand a chance of ranking at the top of Google. 

This means searching for over 100 qualified blogs that will link to do, contacting the webmaster, writing posts, and engaging in several back-and-forth emails.

This cannot be achieved within 3 days or less.

2. SEO is more expensive

Most bloggers will not link to your blog for free. They will demand money in return for acquiring a link from their site. In some cases, one single link could cost several hundreds of dollars.

If all you have for example is $50, that will not even be enough to get started with linkbuilding, if you want it FAST from high authoritative sites. 

But with $50, you can start running ads and begin to get returns almost immediately in less than 24 hours. 

3. Your Competitors Are Not Giving Up Either

While you're spending huge amount of time and money to rank above your competitors in Google search engine, the problem is that your competitors are doing the same thing too. 

They too are also spending time and money building and acquiring backlinks to maintain their position at the top of Google search engine.

This results in a wild-goose-chase in many cases in which any advantage you may have from building backlinks could easily be disrupted and rendered ineffective in a few weeks by competitors whose site and blog are well known than yours, and have deeper pockets and more resources to build and acquire backlinks faster than you could ever do. 

4. Google Update

Imagine doing all the difficult and time-consuming work to get your blog to rank at the top of Google. And after doing these, Google releases and algorithm update that affects your site. 

This update would not only de-rank your blog, but in many cases, it will likely affect your traffic and further eliminate your earnings.

With paid traffic however, you don't need to worry about Google Updates. Google can release all the search updates they want, and it won't even affect your income one bit, because you already have a source of traffic that works without Google search.

All of these reasons made us move away from using SEO to acquire traffic to the blogs we manage for clients. 

Because with SEO, we can't achieve our goal of helping clients start getting results from blogging in 3 days or less. 

However, the truth is...despite being able to run ads profitably for client...

We Can Only Manage A Limited Number of Blogs At The Same Time

And the reason for this is because we have a very small team. 

It is this team that will go through the process of onboarding your blog. It is this team that will go through the process of analyzing your blog. It is this team that will go through the process of determining which post on your site to drive traffic to. 

It is this team that will also go through the process of writing the ad, and it is this team that will go through the process of running the campaign, monitoring it and making corrections where necessary.

And they will do all these in addition to managing their own personal blogs as well...which kind of make it cumbersome and complex.

So based on these realities, we have limited the number of blogs our team can comfortably handle.

Once the limit have been reached, anyone else that wants us to manage their blogs would have to join a waiting list until further notice when there would be available space to accommodate them. 

But guess what?

Some Available Spots Have Already Been Taken, And We have Few Spots Left to Hit Our Maximum Capacity!

Yes, I'm talking about people who have already signed up to have us manage their blogs and run arbitrage ads for them. 

I'm talking of People like...

Ifeanyi Mbagwu

Ifeanyi wasn't new to blogging. 

In fact, he spent most of his time following other bloggers, and reading posts about blogging in general. 

His first attempt at blogging started with creating a blog and trying to get traffic from SEO. Unfortunately, the blog wasn't approved for Adsense. 

This prompted him to buy a verified adsense account for N350,000, so he can start running arbitrage ads with them.

But his first arbitrage attempt was a complete failure. He spent 200K to run ads, but only ended up making $80 in return. 

That was a loss of N140,000.

When he heard about our offer to help bloggers who are struggling to manage their blogs, he jumped right at the offer and signed up.

Within 3 days, we helped Ifeanyi spend $45 in paid traffic, and make that $145.

That's a profit of $100 which when converted to Naira, is 75,000 profit and it is the first time he was truly earning and making profit from blogging.

 Now he wants to increase his ad budget from $50 (35,000) to N400,000.

His Results Before Signing Up For This Service

Our Results After He Signed Up For This Service

I'm also talking of People who have signed up for this service like...

Austin Wayas

Before signing up for this service, Austin has spent more than N500,000 Naira on his blog over a period of 2 years, only for the blog to end up making $65 for a period of 2 years.

When he signed up, he provided $50 for us to use and send traffic to his site.

Within a space of 4 days, the blog that made $65 for 2 years ended up making $155.

His Results Before Signing Up For This Service

Our Results After He Signed Up For This Service

And I'm also talking of People who have signed up for this service like...

Nonso Onyejemezi

Nonso is a smart guy.

He heard and knew about the huge potential in blogging...and decided to give it a trial. But he doesn't want to do it on his own to avoid wasting time and costly mistakes.

So he signed up for our service, and provided the budget we use in running ads to his blog. 

To speed up everything, we helped him acquire an adsense account and helped do the necessary settings which he paid for.

In just a few days, Nonso's income has gone from Zero to over $145.

Now he has renewed his service and provided an even bigger amount of money for us to run arbitrage ads for him.

His Results Before Signing Up For This Service

Our Results After He Signed Up For This Service

And I'm also talking of People we have worked with like...

Emmanuel Ani 

Emma is a Captain in the Nigerian Army.

Being far away from home on Peace Keeping mission, he spends most of his time reading about blogging, watching Youtube videos on blogging, and paying for blogging courses...yet there was no improvement in his blogging income.  

After spending several months, and a good amount of money on his blog, the blog has only managed to earn less than $45 so far.

So he contacted us to help make his blog profitable. 

We analyzed his blog, told him the kind of content to publish and also aided him in creating the ad copy with which to run ads and send traffic to the site.

The results?

Within one month, his blog went from earning $45 to earning over $200.

From making $45 in 8 months, to making over $200 in one month, Emma was very impressed and is now determined to even spend more money on ads in order to get a higher return.

You can see proof of his results below...

His Results Before Signing Up For This Service

Our Results After He Signed Up For This Service

There are many more people who have signed up for this service than what we've listed above.

In fact, if I begin to mention everyone that have signed up for our blog management service one after the other, it will make this page unnecessarily long.

But I believe that you've already gotten the message. And that message is that this service can change your life for good.

This service can take you from a blogger who is struggling to make $20 to a blogger who is now making several hundreds and thousands of profits from your blog. 

But you have to act Fast, because the honest-to-God truth is that...people are signing up for this fast!

If you sign up when all available spots have been taken, we will have no option than to cancel your participation and refund your money. 

Cool, right?

And I'm sure at this point, you're already wondering...

So How Much Does The Blog Arbitrage Management Service Costs?

Due to the fact that we'll be dealing with a lot of people that has spent quite a lot of time and money on their blogs without making anything back in return, we've made this as cheap as possible.

Therefore the cost to have us manage Adsense arbitrage for you is just a small fee of N30,000 for each month we will be managing your blog for you.

And in addition to that, we will also take 50% of profit above 2X (That is, anything above double your ad spend).


Let me explain.

Let's say you provide $50 to run ads with. 2X of that will be $100.

Now if we run ads and you end up making $300 for example, it means there is an extra $200 above the $100 (the $100 is your ad spend plus profit which belongs to you alone).

So for the $200 which is above 2X, we will take 50% of it while you take 50%. This will be in addition to the 30K for the commencement of the service for that month.

Which means if we don't go beyond doubling your ad spend, there will be no percentage for us to share.

Which is...

Far Better Than Courses And Training Programs

Imagine if we put our knowledge of blogging, traffic generation and adsense arbitrage into a course or training program such a course will be sold for nothing less than N250,000

However, the truth is that such a course won't be beneficial to you in the long term.


Because according to available studies, almost 50% of those that sign up for courses and training programs won't go through them.

Half of the remaining people that went through the course or training program won't implement what they're taught.

And the few that tried to implement will easily give up when they face any obstacle or challenges along this way.

It is for this reason why we're not keen on promoting another "Blogging Course" or "Blog Training". 

Rather, we prefer to work with you to manage your blog in a done-for-you manner so you can get results fast. 

And we do that cheaply and affordable at the sum of N30,000 for each month you want your blog to be managed by us, instead of an expensive N250,000 training program that will only frustrate you and won't bring you the results you seek. 

Cool right?

But before you sign up, let me quickly answer some of the questions you may have...

Answers to The 8 Most Frequently Asked Questions You Might Have

Here are the 7 most Frequently asked questions most people have asked before signing up... 

1. How much do I need to provide to run ads?

Answer: It depends on you. There is no set amount you can start with. Some of our clients give us $50 to run ads for them. Others provide $100 to run ads for them, and some provide less than $50, while others provide even much more than $100.

It all depends on your capacity. 

However, if you can afford it, we recommend providing $100 to run ad for 1 month.

But if you can't afford it, anything lesser than that is fine. 

The goal is to start small and then increase your ad budget as you make more profits each month.

2. Am I Mandated to Provide The Ad Budget Immediately After Signing Up?

Answer: No. 

If you have your ad budget ready, you can provide it immediately after signing up. 

But if you don't have it ready, you can sign up and secure your spot and then provide the ad budget later when you're ready.

We've had people who sign up to secure their spot for the service, and then provide their ad budget one or two months later.

So if your ad budget is not ready at the moment, you can still sign up and then use one or two months to gather your first ad budget.

3. Can I Top Up My Ad spend In The Same Month?

Answer: No, what you provide for a month is what we will use in running ads for that month.

When the ad budget is exhausted, you'd have to wait till the next month before providing another budget which can be the same, higher or lesser as the initial one you provided. 

So whether you're providing 5K or 500K as your ad budget for the month, our fees for the month remain the same regardless of the amount of your ad budget.

4. Do I Need to Sign Up For A Long Time At Once?

Answer: No, you don't need to sign up for a long time at once. We recommend signing up each month if you're interested in the service.

You sign up, provide the funds to run ads, and we run the ads for you. If you're satisfied with the results, you can sign up again on the 1st of the next month.

If you're not satisfied with the results, you're free to cancel at anytime you want. No hard feelings.

5. Do I need to provide my blog and Adsense login details?

Answer: No, we don't need your blog logging details, neither do we need your Adsense logging details.

Sure, there are some settings you MAY need to make on your site before we start running ads.

But we've made videos of these settings available for you to go through and make them on your own WITHOUT giving anyone the login details of your blog or adsense account, if we feel those settings are necessary for your blog. 

6. What about ad limits? Will this attract ad limit to my Adsense account?

Answer: As painful as it is, ad limit is one of the factors of blogging, regardless of your traffic source.

It doesn't matter if you're getting traffic from SEO or social media or somewhere else, Google can slap ad limit on any site whenever it wants.

Be that as it may, our Adsense arbitrage service is done carefully to greatly reduce the possibility of ad limit as much as possible, by sending relevant traffic to your site from Facebook and other social media.

However, the responsibility still falls on you as the blog owner and Admin to maintain the relevant settings that will help to reduce ad limit on your site.

But if you can't handle it, you can talk to us about our ad limit protection service. We offer this only on request to clients... which will make us request for your blog login details.

7. Is there a Video for the ad limit settings I'll need to do?

Answer: No. We believe every blogger have their own way of combating or reducing ad limit occurring on their site.

But if you don't have any, and you'd like us to also run ad limit protection for your blog in addition to arbitrage, please reach out to use privately.

We offer such service on request for just a small fee.

8. Is it guaranteed I'll make back the money I spend on ads plus profit?

Answer: Most likely.

Although making money from blogging through adsense arbitrage comes with the risk of losing money by earning less than was spent on traffic, however, with this service, you're more likely to make back the money spent on ads plus profit on top. 

Here's why  

Before we start spending your ad budget to drive traffic to your site, we usually spend $10 of OUR OWN MONEY to conduct a small test and experiment by running little traffic campaign to your site.

When we carry out this experiment, we usually note the CPC of your blog.

If the CPC will not guarantee profit, we will let you know and won't spend your money to drive traffic yet.

Instead, we will recommend what you can do to increase the CPC.

It is only when this is done that we can now start spending your own money for massive traffic to your site, after exhausting our $10 on experiments.

This is to ensure that your money won't be spent without profit.

So we risk our own money to ensure the profitability of your site.

9. How soon will you start running the ads after I Sign Up and provide the ad budget?

Answer: Between 2 to 4 working days after you've done the necessary settings.

When you sign up, you'll be redirected to the videos to make some necessary settings on your site.

Once that is done and the funds for ads is available, we can start driving traffic to your site.

Depending on the volume of ads to run, yours will start running not later than 2 days at most, after you've done the necessary settings.

See What Other Bloggers Are Saying...

Engineer Seyi Adeoshun

In the online courses space you'll find a lot of wannabes and so called experts with inflated egos and very little to offer.

In Vincent you'll find a guide and trainer who is humble, no airs and also dishes out quality. He's ready to help and even go the extra mile.

In summary you're safe with him.

Mr Kevin Chidi

Mr. Vincent is a nice man. He is a kind and good natured man. Understanding and ready to help. He is principled. He is intelligent and you could tell from how he writes, and how well he understands the tech space he occupies. He is also thorough, has a spirit of excellence and a perfectionist. You could tell from how exhausting his courses are.

Captain Ani Ifeanyi

Vincent is someone who understands the value he is packing and charges appropriately for them.

In my dealings with him so far, he has been forthright and honest and he has not disappoint.

Barrister Edikan Ekanem

Vincent is a dependable fellow and a professional who knows his onions

And For Your Total Peace of Mind, I'm Giving You My Iron-clad Guarantee of Results

If you're one of the 50 bloggers we can manage, I personally guarantee that this service will make you money as a blogger, profitably in your first month.

In the extremely rare case that it doesn't happen, I pledge to spend an extra 30K of my money to keep running ads and sending traffic to your blog until it becomes profitable. 

Sign Up Now And Start Earning From Blogging In Few Days Time! 

All you just need to do is click the button below, and you'll be taken to a very secure page where you'll have various options to make payment with your card, USSD or through bank transfer.

So here's an opportunity to finally start making money from blogging without going through all the stress yourself. 

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