Activate Your Account to Start Getting Likes, Comments And Shares From Our Club Members

Use any of the Membership Dues Suggestions Below...Or You enter any amount you're Comfortable With

You're free to pause, increase or decrease your membership dues at any time you deem fit. 

Click on any of the tabs below to see membership dues suggestions. The figures in each tab are not fixed. You alone decide how much you want to pay and when. 

Daily dues suggestion
Weekly dues suggestion
monthly dues suggestion

1,500 Naira

This gives you a total of 25 likes from our members. This can be applied to only a single Facebook post.

4,000 Naira

This gives you 25 likes, 25 comments and 25 shares of your post to members profiles. This applies to only a single Facebook post

2,500 Naira

This gives you 25 likes and 25 shares of your post to members profiles. This applies to only a single Facebook post

7,500 Naira

This gives you 50 likes, 50 comments and 50 shares of your post to members profiles. This can be applied to two different Facebook posts

10,000 Naira

Get up to 200 Likes. It can be used per post, or spread over to 7 posts on Facebook. 

28,000 Naira

Get up to 200 Likes, 200 comments and 200 shares of your posts on Facebook. It can all be used on a single post, or spread over to 7 different posts.

17,500 Naira

Get up to 200 Likes and 200 shares of your posts on Facebook. It can all be used on a single post, or spread over to 7 different posts.


Get up to 200 Likes, 200 comments and 200 shares of your posts on Facebook. It can all be used on a single post, or spread over to 7 different posts.

46,500 Naira

Get at least, 800 Likes on your posts on Facebook. It can all be used on a single post, or spread over to 31 different posts.

124,000 Naira

Get at least, 800 Likes, 800 comments and 800 shares of your posts on Facebook. It can all be used on a single post, or spread over to 31 different posts.

77,500 Naira

Get at least, 800 Likes and 800 shares of your posts on Facebook. It can all be used on a single post, or spread over to 31 different posts.


Get at least 1,600 Likes, 1600 comments and 1,600 shares of your posts on Facebook. It can all be used on a single post, or spread over to 31 different posts.

Note: You can choose how many likes, comments and shares you want, and on how many posts of yours that you want them.

All of these will be determined by the Membership dues you choose to pay. The higher your membership dues, the higher the number of likes, comments and shares you'll get on your posts. 

Click the link below to determine how much you want to pay.

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