Zumahia Digital Institute Presents 16 Training Videos That Will Show You...

How to Raise Enough Money To Travel Abroad With Your Social Media Account 

So You Don't Have to sell Cars, House, Lands or Plunge Yourself And Family Into Debt In order to Travel Abroad

In this training you'll learn:

The 3 Critical things that are necessary for massive sales and visibility...
How to Get People Willing to Hand Over Their Hard Earned Money to You In Exchange For Your Product or Services....
And Lots More!

Dear Friend, It Hurts, Isn't It?

For a while now, you've been having this burning desire to travel abroad. 

Whether it is to visit and come back or relocate permanently, one thing that is certain is that you're eager to leave the shores of Nigeria.

Perhaps, you want to go there and experience a better life like some of your mates who have already traveled. Maybe you want to travel abroad to escape the chaos, rising insecurity and low standard of living in the country.

And so you begin to plan your escape route.

Should you travel through the study route? Or through the Work/Investor route? Or through the marriage route? Or through permanent residency or through asylum seeking?

You heard that going there to study is the fastest way to get your Visa approved. 

So you went to your university and obtained the transcript of your results, applied for advanced studies in one of the universities abroad, and luckily for you, your application was accepted. 

But then, reality dawned on you.

You realized in a painful way that getting accepted to study in a foreign Universities is only the beginning. There are other things you need in order to finally travel abroad. 

You realized that for you to actually travel abroad...

You need to apply for a Visa...
You need to pay for travel insurance...
You need to pay the school fees of the school you want to study with in order to fast-track your Visa
You need money for at least, 6 months rent in the country you're heading to...
You need money for flight ticket....
And you also need enough cash to sustain you throughout the period you'll be country before getting your work permit, Permanent Residency and other documents that will enable you to become a free citizen of that country. 

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