
As a product vendor, you spend money every month on Data, Airtime, Food Items, Phones, clothes, etc. Why not get rewarded for doing so?

Bring Your Products And Services, And Get Rewarded With Several Promotions to our 200K audience Each time you buy the things you need...And the promotions will continue until you Make 3X your money back In Sales Every Single Time!

All you just need to do is click the sign up button below to sign up and provide details about your product and services...and join other vendors like you to start enjoying massive promotions to our audience for your business.

Oh...and immediately you join, you'll get the sum of N3,600 Naira in your wallet as a sign up bonus!

Dear Product Vendor and Digital Marketer...

Whenever you buy things you need like Food, clothes, airtime, data, and others, money leaves your pocket most times and does not come back. At least, not immediately.

This is a big issue for many vendors, and we've come up with a brilliant way of solving this through our promotional rewards platform.

From today, anytime you spend money on any thing you need, it will come back to you in the form of promotion for your products and services until you make 3X your money back in sales.

It doesn't matter whether it is data you bought...or whether it is clothes, or shoes or bags or phones or even a car.

You're going to receive promotion for your products and services to our audience every single time that you buy anything you need.

And this promotion will continue each time, until you make back 3X the money you spent buying those items.

But what if you don't have any active product or services to promote? 

The answer is simple: you'll instantly get 3 times the amount you spent buying anything you need right in your Wallet.

You can then use this money in your wallet to promote your products or services in the future, or sell it to other vendors on our platform for real cash that can now be withdrawn into your bank account.

If you decide to promote your products and services with it, your products will be featured on our Special marketplace, and an email about it will be sent to our 200K audience.

This will continue until you make 3X your money back in sales!

So Imagine buying data and getting your products and services promoted to our 200K audience in return. Imagine buying clothes and getting your product promoted again. Imagine buying food items and receiving promotions for your product and services again. 

Since you've been spending money on these things in the past, and will still continue to spend money on them anyway, why not sign up and start getting rewarded for them?

To sign up, click the button below and pay the sum of N1,200 only. You only pay this once, and after this, there is no monthly or yearly fee to pay.

This will give you the right to access our platform, provide details about your products or services and start enjoying the same benefit that over 400 product vendors like you are already enjoying!

Here Are Some Important Stats

200K Audience

You can now put your product or services in front of 200,000 people and significantly increase your visibility and chances of making sales! And guess what? The number keeps increasing on a daily basis!

428 Product Vendors and Digital Marketers

Over 400 product vendors and digital marketers have signed up and are now getting massive visibility and sales for their products and services—without even spending any money on adverts! Join them and see how your business will improve as well as a result!

Over 15,756 Orders

We have generated lots of visibility, sales and orders for many product vendors and the total number is on track to exceed 16,000 orders. 

74+ Million Naira In Sales Generated

With an avergae of N5,000 naira per order, the total amount of money we've generated for other vendors from our audience is now track to hit 75 million Naira in sales. And as our user base and product vendors increase, so will the amount in the coming days, weeks and months!

Here's What Other Vendors Have Benefited When We Promoted Their Products to Our Audience

1. Your Sales Will Explode!

There is a page on this site known as our special marketplace. This is where the high spenders and ready buyers of our audience normally come daily to make purchase for whatever they need.

When we promote your product or services, we will first of all get them featured on our special marketplace...and then send an email to our audience notifying them of your product so they can come to the marketplace and check it out.  

Once we do, your product will get massive visibility, and the chances of making sales becomes very high!


Because they'll get 3 times their money back into their wallet instantly... which can then be exchanged for cash or used to promote their own products or services.

So it is practically in their best interest to buy what you're selling from you as one of our vendors, instead of buying it outside.

And guess what?

Our users pay for their items upfront. No payment on delivery.

So by signing up, you'll be getting access to a growing number of people who will make buying from you their top priority!

And they always come back, over and over again!

When we promote you, your product and services will remain featured on our marketplace until you make 3 times your money back in sales!

2. Get Your Own Online Store For As Long As You Want...Without The Huge Costs Involved!

Once you sign up, you'll get your own store where all your products and services will be listed for sale.

And you can have this for as long as you want without paying the huge costs that you would have borne to set up your own from scratch.

What this means is that you won't have any need to pay any web developer 250K to help you set up your online store.

You won't have any need to pay 100K per year in servers and web hosting fees.

You won't have any need to pay programmers to help you maintain your site on a regular basis.

All of those things will be done and handled for you.

And when we want to promte your products and services, the products you've already listed for sale on your store is what will be added to our marketplace and then emailed to our audience. 

So for just a small amount of N1,200...you're saving yourself thousands of Naira in store setup. And in addition to that, you'll get your products and services promoted to our audience severally.

What else beats that? Nothing!

3. Break free from the burden of Payment on Delivery.

Ever had someone ordered something and insisted on paying on delivery, only for you to spend money shipping and delivering it to the person and discover that the address is not correct, or the person is not picking up his phone?

These type of situation really put businesses under strain and make the business to risk time, energy and of course, money in shipping products that has not been paid for to a buyer that is not really serious, interested or committed.

When we promote your products and services to our audience, all of these will become a thing of the past.

Our audience pay for products and services upfront knowing that they are covered by our buyer protection feature.

4. Say Goodbye to Risky, Trial-And-Error Marketing And Start Getting Guaranteed Sales.

Imagine denying yourself and your loved ones the things you need so you can have enough money to run adverts for your products and services.

But the problem is...

After spending all those money on adverts and marketing, there is no guarantee that you'll make any sales to recover the money you spent on adverts, not to even talk of making profit.

The solution to this problem was why we decided to help business owners promote their products and services to our audience.

So that instead of denying yourself the things you need in order to have enough money to run ads for your business the old way....

You can now buy and enjoy those things you need first, and still have your products and services promoted for you. 

We don't just promote your products, no. We ensure that each promotion brings real results for you!

5. Enjoy Timeless Marketing And Promotion of Your product And Services

Other platforms place a time limit on their marketing services.

For example, if you want to spend 100K on adverts, you have to decide how many days you want the advert to run. 

Once the number of days you decide reaches, your advert will stop running whether you make sales or not. 

With us, our approach is different.

First, we advertise all the products and services you have for sale at once. No need marketing each one separately.

Secondly, there is no time limit to marketing your products and services to our audience. We operate based on performance, not time. 

All you just need to do is to determine how much Sales you want to make, and your promotion will begin...and continue for as long as necessary until you hit that target. 

Category of Products And Services That Can Be Promoted

Physical Products

If you sell physical products like phone, clothes, shoes, bags, etc., you're free to provide them for promotion to our audience. 

Digital Products

We have the option to create and host your digital courses and trainings right on this site. And when anyone buys them, they'll have access to the training without your daily involvement. 

So If you have digital products like ebooks, courses, trainings, coaching programs, consulting programs and masterclass you're welcome to provide them for promotion to our audience.

Physical Services

If you're into physical services like painting, tailoring, electrical wiring, etc., we can surely promote them to our audience for you.

Digital Services

If you're a copywriter, software developer, marketer, graphics designer, etc., we can also promote your digital services to our audience for you.

This Is Amazing!

I needed new phone, bags and shoes. So instead of going to get them at Oshodi market, I decided to buy them online from Zumahia Marketplace. I end up spending 360K to order a Phone, 3 bags and 4 pairs of shoes from other vendors. 

I've received the items, and I'm happy with the quality. It was exactly as displayed. But the good news is that I instantly got 1 Million, Eighty thousand Naira back in my Wallet which I immediately use for the promotion of my own products that generated sales of 1.08 Million for me and has now been paid into my bank account.  

Now Instead of buying things I need outside, I simply order them on Zumahia because I know the money I spent will come back to me...and I'll be able to get more promotions for my products on the platform which will lead to more sales for me. So I get both the items I ordered, and at least, 3 times my money back. It's a win-win situation. Brilliant!

Copyright © 2023-2024 Sales Influencer. All Rights Reserved. 

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