Attention Vendors And Digital product Creators!

List Your Products For Sale On Zumahia...And Create As Many Sales Funnels As You Want to Attract Leads And Generate Sales For Each of Those Product And Services

Whether it is a physical product, or a digital one, you can now sign up on Zumahia, list them for sale, and create beautiful sales funnels that will help you attract leads and generate sales for each of your listed product on Zumahia.

affiliate Marketers, Digital Creators, And Physical Product Vendors...

Start Attracting Leads, And generating sales With zumahia!

As a business owner, generating leads and making sales is your end goal, right?

It is the very reason why you're in business.

But if you're like many business owners out there, achieving this noble goal has been somewhat difficult for you simply because you do not have access to the tools and resources that will help you to achieve this goal. 

It's either the tool you need to build a professional lead attracting funnel is too expensive and out of your reach, or you don't have access to well thought-out system that is designed to generate sales...without spending a ton of money on adverts. 

But guess what?

All of that is now in the past...

Because you now have Zumahia who will not only provide you with the tools you need to build beautiful, professional lead generating funnels, but we will also give you our well thought-out system that is designed to generate sales for you regularly!

In other words, we don't just give you an e-commerce platform to list your product and services for sale, we also go out of the way to partner with you so you can start making sales as quickly as possible without needing to spend a ton of money on adverts!

And guess what?

We won't even take any cut or commission from your earnings when you make sales.

So how will we do this?

It is simple:

We'll Spend Money On Ads And Actively Promote Your Products And Services—At No Extra Cost!

Besides not having the tools to build professional lead generation funnels, another challenge that hinders the growth of many businesses is not having enough money to spend on ads consistently. 

At Zumahia, we will help solve this problem.

We believe that not having enough money to run extensive adverts for your business shouldn't be an excuse for recording poor sales.

As your sales partner, we will spend huge amount of money on adverts and other channels every month to bring people to Zumahia.

And when those people show up, we will actively promote your products and services to these people, absolutely for free at no extra charge.

This is like getting access to the very leads and buyers you need through the back door at no extra cost.

Can you imagine the huge boost and benefit to your business?

Can you imagine how easy marketing online will be if you continuously have access to hundreds, thousands and even millions of people who could be interested in the product and service you're offering. 

This is what signing up for Zumahia will do for you. And a whole lot more.

Build Sales Funnels For Any or All of These Different Type of Products 

Physical Products

Whether you're selling physical products like Foodstuffs, furniture, cars, lands, houses for rent, Skin care, clothes, shoes, bags, etc., with our platform, you can build beautiful, high converting funnels to sell those products.

Digital Products

Whether you're selling Digital products like ebooks, courses, online training, masterclasses, coaching, consulting or Mentorship programs, with Zumahia, you can build beautiful, high converting funnels to sell those products.

Digital Services

Whether you're selling Digital services like graphics design, web design, Data Entry, software engineering, coding, social media marketing, SEO, etc., with Zumahia, you can build beautiful, high converting funnels to sell those products.

Physical Services

Whether you're selling physical services like painting, electrical wiring, plumbing, electronics repair, tailoring, etc., with Zumahia, you can build beautiful, high converting funnels to sell those products.

 Say Goodbye to Those Outdated Ecommerce Platforms!

You know those outdated e-commerce platforms like Jumia and Konga that only care about taking more money and commissions from your sales than bringing you customers?

Yes! You can now say goodbye to all of them. 

Unlike those outdated platforms, there are so many things that separates Zumahia from them all. 

Zumahia doesn't take any cut from your sales. We don't charge any commission either when you make sales (apart from the ones paid to affiliates if you enable your products on Zumahia for affiliate marketing).
With Zumahia, you don't just list your product and pray. After listing your product we immediately begin to actively market it for you to our audience and site visitors, at no extra charge. 
With Zumahia, you can create lead generation pages, sales funnels, webinars, Video sales letter and other type of marketing materials to market the product and services that you've listed for sale on Zumahia.
With Zumahia, you're in complete control of the shipping rates of your product or services
With Zumahia, you have access to a site-wide affiliate program that you can use to earn more, as well as get more buyers for your products and services.
With Zumahia, you can use one-click upsell, order bumps and redirect cross-sells to sell more of your products and services.
With Zumahia, you can build leads and have access to our email marketing software that can be used in following up with those leads so they can buy more from you. 

 Also Say Goodbye to Those Expensive, And Restrictive Funnel Building Software!

Imagine paying thousands of Naira every single month in order to build and host sales funnels for your products or services?

Well today, all of that will come to an end.

Because right inside your Zumahia account, you can now build different type of funnels to sell your physical or digital products and services online.

You can build multiple funnels in order to sell one particular product or service from different angles and perspectives...

Or you can build multiple funnels for multiple products and services. The choice is absolutely yours!

We provide the platform, you decide how creative you want to be with it

And it doesn't end there...

At last, I cancelled my subscription

Adewale Olayemi

I usually spend around N27,000 every month to use which up until now, was the cheapest funnel builder out there. But when I discovered Zumahia, and saw the quality of funnels they offer for just a little amount, I quickly rushed and cancelled my subscription because I don't need them anymore, neither do I miss them. 

Now, I can spend that 27K on marketing my business online and getting more sales and profit. Thanks to Zumahia for making this possible. 

You Will Have Over 400 Beautiful, High Converting Funnel Templates to Choose From

Building a beautiful, professional, high converting funnel is now a Breeze!

You can easily choose from any of our 400 beautiful templates, and you could have your funnel ready in less than 10 minutes.

All you may just need to do is to customize them to suit your changing the color on any part of the page, changing the font, adding your images and adding your copy, according to the dictates of your creativity. 

That's all! 

Your funnel will be live and ready to start attracting leads, clients and customers!

Build Sales Funnels In Any of These 14 Different Funnel Categories

With Zumahia, there are 14 different categories of funnels you can use in marketing your product and services, and you can build as many funnels as you want in any of these categories. 

You can build...

Lead magnet funnels
Application Funnels
Newsletter Funnels
Waitlist Funnels
Simple sales funnels
Upsells and downsells funnels
One page sales funnels
Entry point offer funnels
Coupon funnels
Live Event Funnels
Product Launch Funnels
Virtual Events Funnels
Waitlist Funnels
Webinar Promotion Funnels
Webinar Replay Funnels can build any kind of funnel you want from scratch!

Complete Freedom!
No cutting of your earnings, No Traffic Limits

Sign up and start building your funnels, and have them advertised to our audience!

And the good news is...

We won't even cut any part of your earning as commissions.

Yes, not only can you use Zumahia to build any type of funnel your creativity allows, but you can do this absolutely for just a little amount, without any fear of having your sales deducted.

Zumahia is a Frigging Gold

Ikenna Madu

I once find it hard to believe there is any platform where I can create complete, full-fledge funnels at a little amount without limitations. Zumahia dispelled my doubts! Anyone who has access to this tool without making the most of it should only blame him or herself. This is pure gold in plain sight. I heartily recommend it to those who want to make it online.

Here's A Little Summary of What You're Getting...

Get your digital Product Listed on Zumahia 
Get your Physical Product Listed on Zumahia
Get your services like copywriting, coaching, etc, listed 
Benefit from our Monthly advertising budget And Promote Your Products To Our Audience
Get access to all funnel building tools
Create and List More than one product or service
Create your courses And Training on Zumahia at no extra charge
Host your courses with Zumahia for life at no extra charge
Securely Onboard your students to enroll in your courses
Create Professional Looking Funnels for your products or services
Generate Leads And Build Your Email List On Zumahia
Get access to our email marketing tool to followup on your leads 
Use our affiliate program to make more sales as a vendor
earn more money every month as an affiliate with our affiliate program 

How Much Does Lifetime Access to Zumahia Costs?

Regular Price = N150,000 
Today's Special Offer = N20,000

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a Website to create and host my funnels?

No. Your funnels can be built and hosted on Zumahia, completely free of charge, in order to make it easier to launch your online business and start selling to our audience and beyond. You don't need a website to do this, neither do you have to start bearing the cost associated with running and maintaining a domain name and web hosting account. 

Can I run Ads to My Products and Funnel pages as well?

Yes. The funnel is yours. Even though we help to advertise the funnel and the product or service your offering to our audience, you're also free to run ads to your funnel at anytime of the day that you want. The url of your funnel pages will always be available to you. 

Can I Use My Tracking Codes?

Sure, why not? Each funnel comes with a header, body or footer script where you can add several tracking codes to monitor the performance of your marketing. So whether you want to use a Facebook pixel, tiktok pixel, or Google pixel, you're absolutely free to do that with the funnels you build on Zumahia.

Can I build an email list?

Absolutely. Every funnel page comes with both a registration and opt-in element that you can add to your funnel pages to collect the contact and email of your visitors. 

This is a Life Saver!

I spend roughly 50K a month on funnel builders and other softwares to keep my business online. My path would have been a lot easier, cheaper and faster with more results generated if a site like Zumahia existed back when I started. Now I'm glad to make the switch to Zumahia so I can spend that 50K on marketing and getting more clients

choose your image

Chinedu Osakwe

Business Coach and Copywriter

Copyright © 2023. Zumahia Marketplace LTD. All Rights Reserved. 

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